Science and technology our fascination.
Art and design our tool.

Symbiose researches and designs a livable future for all inhabitants on Earth: humans, more-than-humans, and machines. We are a speculative design studio working at the intersection of art, science, and technology to address current and future societal challenges. Our work activates people, influences decision-making, and stimulates responsible innovation. You can find our work in diverse contexts, from museums and exhibitions to festivals and libraries, and from hospitals and education to scientific journals and the media.


Speculative design

Reimagining possibilities, questioning assumptions, and shaping future narratives.


Ethical design

Projects with a primary focus on ethical implications and responsible innovation.


Design research

Gaining new insights on complex topics by using design as a research tool.



Fostering public dialogue with interactive installations in various contexts, from museums to education.


Strategy and consultancy

Supporting companies with responsible decision-making and policies.


Lectures and talks

Compelling ideas at the intersection of art, science, and technology in relation to societal challenges.

Work with us

How to ethically develop and implement emerging technologies? Should we use genetic engineering to prevent diseases – or to increase our intelligence? How to live with regenerative implants that merge with body tissue? Should we develop lab-created hybrid species if bees go extinct? It’s these types of questions that form the basis of our projects.

We work with scientists, researchers, policymakers, ethicists, institutions and companies to develop new perspectives on societal and technological challenges. This leads to crucial insights that help to make better-informed decisions and policies for a desired future.

Partners and clients

Exhibitions and talks